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Blog The Walk

This blog will follow Art's experiences as he walks across America on The Walk of Life. You can share your support for him or talk about your dedications to your loved ones that you have lost or are fighting some illness. Please leave comments and words of encouragement!

Tuesday, October 23, and touching stories

Posted by Administrator
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on Wednesday, 24 October 2012 in The Walk Blog

Well I dropped Mom off at my sister, Roxy's, in Raymond, AB and then headed back to Rapid City...19 degrees fahrenheit when I left Sunday morning...just another reason to head for Key West!!! to Rapid City and found out the seal for the motor home slide was deployed a wee bit and the repairs will not be made until Thursday, the batteries and the shower did get was determined that there was an issue with one of the rear tires (surprise, SURPRISE!!!) so it was recommended that I take the Beaver to Dale's Tires down the road...while I was there I had two pleasant surprises, the first being that the issue plus rotation and balancing was done for less than $70!!!, best trip to a repair shop EVER!!!...the second however was a wee bit more touching...the person that worked on the coach, by the name of "Bull" Bowmeister (apologies Bull if I misspelled your name), after I told him what I was up to, shared with me a story of his family, not everyday I get reduced to tears in a tire shop!!!...Bull, I shall carry with me, you and your little family, I only wish I could could say something to you and especially your wife that would ease your collective pain on this, the birthday of your twin that moment in the garage I felt that I have known you all my life, permit me to call you "friend"...what I am doing is to put positive energy out to the universe and please know, my friend, that your family will travel with me on my trip...thank you for sharing your story it indeed is a sacred gift to me, all the best to you and your family as you reconcile the bitter sweetness of the birth of your twins, may God bless you.

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D Joan Bund
D Joan Bund
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D Joan Bund Wednesday, 24 October 2012

I am busy getting better at daughter roxy 's and do not intend to go back to BC until I am completely cured and that the floor painting they are doing in my laundry room has outgassed sufficiently.
I am glad you arrived back safely and at least some of the expenses have not been excessive, YET.
Has the new driver Jim turned up yet? As you do not have accommodations right now I guess there is no immediate hurry.
You need to change the advertisement to Dec 28 or whatever date you need a new driver for. Maybe dec twenty first if it turns out to be someone who does not celebrate Christmas. Continue on in faith and harmony. I do not know the story of the twins, but please share my concern and love to the family because if it has touched my son that much, then I send love too. Continue on your great walk Art, with love, peace, happiness, and safety. Love. Mom

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Guest Saturday, 27 July 2024