Blog The Walk
This blog will follow Art's experiences as he walks across America on The Walk of Life. You can share your support for him or talk about your dedications to your loved ones that you have lost or are fighting some illness. Please leave comments and words of encouragement!
Walking day #71, Thursday, October 11, 2012...farewell Montana, hello Wyoming

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well Thursday dawned chilly and cold and ONLY got colder as the day wore on!!!...20.2 miles with 38,037 steps...findings for the day: 1 quarter...sightings for the day: 1 bald eagle dining on fresh (???) venison compliments of a recently passed Peterbilt, some deer and some antelope (feeding NOT playing!!!) in fact late in the evening as I was on my way to the supermarket a little three-pointer managed to run into the side of the Jeep, fortunately for the deer I was almost at a standstill and the deer was going the same direction (down the middle of the road!!!) as I and just barely touched the car, no damaged or marks left...the temperature yesterday started out cold with a gentle (1-1 1/2 club breeze) coming out of the north-east-east RIGHT IN MY FACE!!!, I finally had to resort to putting on long yellow pants!!!, can't remember the last time I had long pants on...hmmmmm my final retirement party in down town Kirkland and someone was nice enough to take scissors to those!!!...anyway as the day wore on the temperature (high 30's) stayed the same but the wind picked up a tad, going from 1-1/2 clubs to about a 3 club wind, OUCH!!! certainly brought out my not-so inner martyr!!!...said farewell to Montana and hello to Wyoming, still just as desolate and still just as cold!!!...finally finished up the walk and got settled in Spearfish, South Dakota at the KOA...still can't get local (network) channels from DISH and nobody there is bright enough to know how come, I get everything else, all 287 "home shopping" channels, thank you GOD for NFL RedZone!!!...see ya'll down the road...cheers!!!

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