Saturday July 27 , 2024
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Blog The Walk

This blog will follow Art's experiences as he walks across America on The Walk of Life. You can share your support for him or talk about your dedications to your loved ones that you have lost or are fighting some illness. Please leave comments and words of encouragement!

walking day #67...Saturday, October 6, 2012...Ashland, Montana and beyond

Posted by Administrator
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on Tuesday, 09 October 2012 in The Walk Blog

today we did 18.9 miles with 35,204 steps...items found: 1 bungee cord and 1 4" ratchet extension (write your own joke here!!!) was clear and cold, got started a wee bit late due to having to check oil (and add) to the substantive realizations nor "ah-ha" moments...numbers for the week: 103 miles with 200,998 steps bringing the tool for the excursion:  1390.9 miles (2243.3871 km's) with 2,626,975 steps...replacement support vehicle driver still wanted...cheers!!!

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Guest Saturday, 27 July 2024