Friday February 14 , 2025
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Blog The Walk

This blog will follow Art's experiences as he walks across America on The Walk of Life. You can share your support for him or talk about your dedications to your loved ones that you have lost or are fighting some illness. Please leave comments and words of encouragement!

Walking Day #182, Wednesday, March 20, 2013...into Naples and beyond

Posted by Administrator
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on Wednesday, 20 March 2013 in The Walk Blog

22.8 miles (36.7742 km's)...51,136 steps...$0.14 (1 dime and 4 pennies)

Today I walked to honor Matt Taylor, a young man who suffered a severe cervical accident and for Pat Moore, a cancer survivor, who along with her husband Jim, made a contribution to Camp UTADA.  Best wishes to you both as you continue down your respective Walks of Life.

The day started out overcast threatening rain.  The only rain was a few light drops just before noon then just bright sun.  The whole area along route 41 is urban.  Parking for the support vehicle was virtually nonexistent so Driver Valerie spent the day at the mall, napping and generally enjoying a semi day off.  I picked up water and food at various businesses along the way and called her when the day was just about over.  Shortly after Valerie dropped me off for the day I was stopped by a newspaper man, Michael Braun.  An interview and photo-shoot later I was on my way having met another delightful person on this walk that is The Walk of Life.  Michael, thank you for allowing me to ramble on about my little project.  Later in the day another walker and I kept trading places.  I would have struck up a conversation earlier but I was filling my face with some rather tasty General Tso's chicken.  I have trouble enough sitting at a table with two free hands but when I attempt to eat and walk at the same time I generally juggle and slop whatever it is that I am eating.  Today's eating "on the walk" was no exception.  Vern from North Dakota was pleasant company for about 30 minutes until he went north and I went east.  Vern, I fully expect a report from you as to what the sunrise looks like from atop Mt Kilimanjaro!  Thank you for your company and conversation.  Thank you for your contribution.  Dr. Dave Okubo and staff will find a good use for the funds at Camp UTADA.  Your generosity is appreciated, best wishes as YOU continue on your walk of life.  Two more walking days this week with Saturday as a moving day.  See ya'll down the road...CHEERS!!!

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Guest Friday, 14 February 2025