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This blog will follow Art's experiences as he walks across America on The Walk of Life. You can share your support for him or talk about your dedications to your loved ones that you have lost or are fighting some illness. Please leave comments and words of encouragement!

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Walking Day #117, Wednesday, December 19, 2012...thank you, Jim, thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU!!!

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on Thursday, 20 December 2012
in The Walk Blog

Today is Jim's last day as support vehicle driver.  During Jim's tenure 904.4 miles (1,458.7097 km's) were walked, 1,824,860 steps taken and $9.16 in loose change picked up.  Jim was kind enough to step in after my mother "retired" enabling me to continue to walk to honor those with diabetes, 1specifically my son Jonathan, to honor and support those whose lives have been impacted by cancer, specifically my nephew Ross and my mother's husband Cec and in support of all those men and women who have served or are serving in the Canadian and American military forces.  Today on Jim's final day we did 22.9 miles (36.9355 km's) under 47,466 steps.  Findings for the day were: 1 Kobalt 9/16 wrench, 1 4" extension for small sockets, 14 "bungie" cords of assorted lengths and colors (found on a pile like coiled snakes!), 1 quarter, 1 nickel and 2 pennies.  Wildlife sighted: 2 rather fast bunny rabbits.  Tomorrow we drive to Kansas City so Jim can get back to the Pacific Northwest from whence he came.  Friday my brother Victor (the father of Ross) shows up for a couple of weeks.  On January 4, 2013 the new driver (WILL IT BE YOU!?!?!?) will show up in Little Rock, Arkansas to see me all the way to Key West, ahead of schedule and over budget!!!  Sounds like the new slide seal will be tested tonight as it just started raining...CHEERS!!!

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Walking Day #116, Tuesday, December 18, 2012...Collins, MO to Bolivar, MO after the traffic jam

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on Wednesday, 19 December 2012
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As we headed up route 65 on the way to Collins we found ourselves in a traffic jam due to a wreck ahead of us.  And I thought I left freeway traffic jams when I became "gainfully unemployed", apparently not.  With the delayed start I really had to move to get the 22.1 miles (35.6452 km's) before dark.  Steps taken today were 45,297.  Findings for the day: 1 cell phone (sans battery), 1 24" rubber tie down (bungee cord), 1 live .45 caliber bullet (slightly beat up), 2 dimes, 1 nickel and 4 pennies.  No substantive wildlife seen.  Still going south on route 13.  We stopped just at the northern foundry of the Bolivar city limits.  Tomorrow we should get to the northern part of Springfield.  The good news, days get longer on the 22nd, the bad news, Jim the driver, leaves on the 20th and the new driver has yet to identify themselves.  Who WILL it be!?!?!?...cheers

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Walking Day #115...Monday, December 17, 2012...for the people in Newtown, CT

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on Tuesday, 18 December 2012
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Not much to be said about the senseless loss of so many wonderful people.  Today we did 21.1 miles (34.0323 km's) with 42, 787 steps.  Findings of the day: 1 1/2" wrench, 1 "C" link (small) 1, quarter, 1 dime, 1 nickel and 3 pennies.  No substantive wildlife seen.  We parked the motor home at Lakeland High School, thanks Principal Ritter, walked then moved to Ozark, MO.  Will do it all again tomorrow.  In the meantime my heart goes out to the survivors in Connecticut. I bless you all.

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Walking Day #114...Saturday, December 15, 2012...through Clinton and beyond...a pocket full of pennies

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on Sunday, 16 December 2012
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Today's walk was dedicated to Ross Lim, my brother's best friend who lost his battle with cancer 30 years ago. Saturday was a delightful day after having rained Thursday night.  Fresh air and a rather nice sunrise (no I am still NOT a morning person!!!).  The weather was warm, so much so that it would have been nice to lose the long johns.  The head wind, however was intense.  Weather channel indicated 15 mph wind outta the south, more like 50!!!  At times I was nearly blown off my feet, especially when a not-so-aerodynamic truck would go by.  Again, the wind ONLY serves to tighten the "martyr mantle", which I must say I wear sooooooo well!!!  After all when it is genetic!!!  On a serious note when those conditions exist I go to my friends, family and colleagues who, some on a daily basis, wished that they ONLY had a head wind to deal with.  They cannot take a break from their diabetes, the cancers go on, the limbs, bodies and minds of some of the soldiers are still missing or distorted.  Not that what I am doing in any way, shape or form compares to what they go through on a daily basis it does gives me an idly, biddy, tiny winnie idea, SMALL THAT IT MAY BE!!!  At the end of the day my resolve to honor them is only increased and my resolve to live my life to the fullest is increased.  After all the IS The Walk of LIFE!!!  This is about living, to honor those who go on LIVING on a daily basis, to honor those who give (gave) us the freedom within in which to pursue our CHOSEN paths in spite of some rather daunting odds. AND to honor the lives of those who literally and figuratively fought so hard to either enjoy their lives or to secure the freedoms that we all so enjoy.  I am so much more appreciative of ALL the freedoms that I enjoy, how they were won and the example that is set for me on a daily basis.  I BLESS YOU ONE AND ALL!!!  Thank you so very much to the pickup that stopped just as I was stopping, Mom, Dad and son Mark.  Two veterans, one dealing with cancer and one dealing with diabetes out of the three.  I bless you for what YOU are doing and did and many thanks for your kind contribution, I am honored to pass it on the Camp UTADA.  Thanks to "Mike" in the supermarket parking lot for his kind contribution, again, Camp UTADA will put it to good use.  A special shout-out goes to the folks at Archie House Black Jack BBQ in Archie, MO for a great meal and the comped shirts, maroon in color.  It was nice to visit with my sister Valerie and her husband Jay who were kind enough to drive down from Independence, MO.  Jay served during Viet Nam and Val has a grandson living with diabetes.  Thank you Jay for your service and I bless Michael as he learns to take responsibly for his disease.

When the day was over 22.5 miles (36.2903 km's) had been walked using 46,194 steps.  Findings for the day: 1 "Rock-Flite" golf ball (how come those are the ones at the side of the road???, hmmmmmm) 1 battery powered Avatar action figure (I guess when they don't light up anymore out the window they go!!!), 2 quarters, 3 dimes, 4 nickels and 18 pennies.  I do believe that is a record for the number of coins found in one day.  There must be some sort of tradition of tossing coins out of a car in Missouri.  Following are the numbers for the week:

Walking week 28:

116.5 miles (187.9032 km's)

237,257 steps

$3.82 in loose change


2,404.6 miles (3,878.3871 km's)

4,645,992 steps

$51.20 in loose change

Currently The Walk is just a mile shy of Lowry City, Missouri on route 13 south-bound.  The motor home is parked in Peculiar, MO and will be moved Monday somewhere to the Springfield, MO area.  Current driver, Jim, will leave this coming Thursday and my bother, Victor, will be joining me on Friday.  Jim, again, many, Many, MANY thanks to you for making this leg of The Walk of Life possible!

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Walking Day#113...Friday, December 14, 2012...getting close to Clinton and route 13

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on Saturday, 15 December 2012
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Today we had overcast skies with a threat of rain.  As it turned out it was ONLY a threat!  Route 7 is GREAT!, two lane divided highway with wide, Wide, WIDE shoulders.  I love wide flat shoulders (only on my roads!!!).  When the day ended 27.1 miles (43.7097 km's) were in the history books using 51,743 steps.  Findings of the day: 1 very old Dunlop golf ball (with cut), 1 plastic pack of #10 1-1/4" sheet metal screws (7 left of a 30 pack), 1 pink set of Barbie heels and brush (no Barbie), 1 Craftsman 7/16 socket, 1 rather beat up live round (.270 Winchester), 3 quarters, 1 dime, 3 nickels and 4 pennies.  No live wildlife sighted, however the frequency of turtle, opossum and armadillo road-kill is increasing!!!  A special "thank you" goes out to Tom Moran, former runner and marathon man, former Navy man who stopped, chatted and made a contribution to Camp UTADA.  Again, thank you, Tom for your service AND your contribution.  Along the way I bumped into Alex, formerly of the Air Force (20 years) who served during Viet Nam.  Today his duty was a wee bit more benign, selling cracked pecans!  Pretty tasty!  Just as the day was coming to a close I came upon a young man and a pickup that would not start.  In twelve seconds I exhausted all of my mechanical knowledge.  Fortunately Grandpa Ron was on his way to pick up Army Specialist, Ron Hampton, to get him back to his unit.  Thank you, Ron, for your service and all the best to you as you move in a different direction (reserves).  It was a pleasure chatting.  There is still a threat of rain tonight but the forecast is for sunny skies tomorrow.  Each day I like to dedicate the walk to a specific person or group based on whatever impressions I happen get.  Today no impressions, tonight Ross Lim came to mind.  Saturday will be the "other" Ross's day.  Thanks to all the waves, the double-taps and best wishes from the citizens of Missouri as I wander through your state.  CHEERS!!!

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Walking Day #112, Thursday, December 13,2012...into Peculiar and beyond...thanks Captain Dan

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on Friday, 14 December 2012
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Today's walk was dedicated to Captain Dan Fisher of Peculiar, MO.  Dan flew planes for the Navy for several years, loves the game of golf and has survived cancer. Thank you for your service and the pleasant conversation.  When the day was over 23.4 miles (37.7419 km's) had been covered (definitly NOT all in a straight line!!!) with 48,955 steps.  Findings for the day: 1 Sam's Club and 1 Walmat debit card (Nicole R. may be happy that I found them!), 1 small heart shaped stuffed pillow with "Be Mine" on it (wonder how that ended up on the road side!?!?!?), 1 1/2 wrench, 3 quarters, 3 dimes and 1 beat up penny.  Wildlife sighted: 2 cardinals (it has been a while since I have seen birds with any color than grey.  After walking through Peculiar I was stuck with the freeway for about ten miles.  The stiff south wind and the wash from the traffic sucked the energy right out of me.  Maybe I am allergic to moving air!?!?!?  Once off the freeway we headed south and east on route 7 on the way to Clinton, MO.  From this point the route will be pretty much straight south until at least Little Rock, AR and perhaps significantly beyond.  The weather is nice (except for the wind) with clear skies and plenty of sunshine.  Thanks to Carol Johnston for stopping and chatting and for the contribution to Camp UTADA.  Happy people are contagious!  See ya'll down the road.  CHEERS!!!

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Walking Day #111, Wednesday, December 12,2012...see ya me Missouri!!!

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on Thursday, 13 December 2012
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Wednesday was a mirror image of Tuesday with a slight southerly breeze.  Since I was walking east, no big deal and for the 1/4 mile of walking north, GREAT!!!  199 Street gave way to State Line Road which gave way to 195 Street which gave way to "Y" Road (don't get excited, Vic!!!)  At 3:25 PM, Central time I bid a fond farewell to Kansas with its roads being completely shoulder-less into Missouri which so far as even LESS shoulders but also less traffic.  Once the day was over I had walked 22.3 miles (35.9677 km's) and taken 46,418 steps (most of which were on the SIDE of the road).  The findings for the day: 1 tennis ball, 1 "Rock-Flite" golf ball, 1 USB cable (appears to be functional), 1 die with various cartoon characters, 1 cheap socket extension and 2 pennies.  No wildlife other than red-tailed hawks and squirrels.  A VERY special "THANK YOU" goes out to the Subaru driving "Danny" who stopped me on 199 Street early in the day.  According to him, "I just got back from the bank.", and peeled off a rather generous donation, no receipt required.  Interestingly enough my walk today was dedicated to "Nate Gedge, Dave Okubo and Camp UTADA".  Camp UTADA, I am sure, will put Danny's generous gift to good use in assisting young people living with diabetes.  In fact, Danny, your stopping was rather timely as I was questioning the fact that a new driver has yet to show up.  My belief system says that the right and perfect driver WILL show up at the right and perfect time and that my part in all of that is to make sure the sheets are clean, the fridge is stocked and then GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!  Another delight was a brief chat with "Aunt" Julie just outside of Stilwell, Kansas.  Julie's sister runs a catering business and as part of her public relations and advertising she has a mobile food truck.  Wednesday happens to be her day to park at this specific intersection.  I unfortunately stopped by just after I had eaten my lunch and as the truck was closing up.  I am sure they would have rustled something up but after my 111th peanut butter sandwich!?!?!?  Julie writes a blog about "life".  I wish I had a bit more of an attention span so I too could write a blog, as it is a few musings from an OCD, ADHD challenged mind get passed off as a blog.  I look forward to reading some real stuff!!!  Speaking of rest stuff I read something today on the back window of a pick-up truck "Everybody dies, but not everyone lives".  Jim (my current driver) and I have chatted about this a great deal.  We are doing the things that heretofore we have only talked about, so we are LIVING!!!  People may say that going to Haiti to do disaster relief or riding a motorcycle to Alaska is not living, some people would say that walking from Whistler to Key West is not living.  I can assure you when I am taking my last few breaths I WILL be thinking about crossing from Kansas to Missouri and NOT about sitting in the office.  One served me in order to get to the other.  WHAT an adventure!!!  Thank you, Danny, for giving the gift, many more thanks for BEING the gift!!!   Thank you, Julie, for the inspirational chat. (You just never know!!!)  Tomorrow we pick it up again on into Peculiar, Missouri and beyond.  CHEERS!!!

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Walking Day #110, Tuesday, December 11, skies smilin' at me nothin' but blue skies do I see

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on Wednesday, 12 December 2012
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After Sunday off and Monday off due to cold weather, Tuesday brought "nothin' but blue skies".  The day started out a wee bit chilly but by mid morning I had the jacket off.  Picked up just west of mile post 426 on route 56 east bound.  At Edgarton we took Road 195 east bound.  Rolling hills, farms, horse properties and more than a few folks who want to live in the country and commute to Kansas City or Lawrence.  Lots of trees and creeks between the rolling hills.  I guess summer is very pretty around here.  At the end of the day we had 21.2 miles (34.1935 km's) with 43,947 steps.  Findings for the day: 1 quarter, 2 dimes and 7 pennies...wildlife sightings: 4 white-tailed deer, numerous red-tailed hawks and numerous squirrels.  Thanks to the woman in Baldwin City for the conversation and the Subway gift card.  Food always gets put to good use around here.  Tomorrow we should walk out of Kansas into Missouri.  We currently have the motor home parked in Peculiar, MO (yes that IS the name!!!).  The road that we are on doesn't even rate a "Welcome to Missouri" sign.  The only evidence is a road called "State Line Road".  Thursday we should be walking into and past Peculiar.  Cheers!!!

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Walking Day #109, Saturday, December 8, 2012...end of week six WONDERFUL children!!!

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on Sunday, 09 December 2012
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Today I walked to honor ALL six of my wonderful children AND their delightful families!!!  That would be daughter Staci, son-in-law Todd, Chance, Cashton, Cody and Cason, son Joey, son Jonathan and his son C.J., daughter Stefanie, son-in-law Rod and Ruthie,  son Jay Paul and last (ONLY chronologically!!!) son Jake (THE cadet!!!).  Yes I intend to embarrass you in front of the entire world!  This is like getting a hug and a kiss in the mall at age 14 with all your friends watching.  I love you guys and am so very proud to be your "Old Man, Pops and/or Dad".  In addition to loving you I am VERY proud of you.  I am so glad the northern tribes came south to mix up the gene pool!  Today to honor you guys (one and ALL) I walked 24.5 miles (36.290 km's) took 51,786 steps and thought of you guys EVERY step of the way.  Thank you for being MY family!!!  You guys are just about the only thing(s) that will bring a tear to these crusty old eyes.  At the end of the day (our lives) the ONLY thing(s) that we have are family, friends and experiences and with you guys I have the trifecta.  I know this is weird and the primary honorees of the walk are Jonathan, Ross, Cec and those who keep us safe, this is REALLY about you guys.  You inspire the best in me and this is what I have.  Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have I give to you and so far that is 2,288.1 miles (3,690.4839 km's) and 4,408,735 steps!!!...I bless you one and all!!!

numbers for week 27:

107.2 miles (172.9012 km's)

225,452 steps


Walk-to-Date numbers:

2,288.1 miles (3,60.4839 km's)

$47.38 in loose change

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Walking Day#108...Friday, December 7, 2012...thank you for your service, past and present

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on Saturday, 08 December 2012
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Today was the 71st anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor that brought the United States of America into World War ll.  I personally am VERY grateful for the sacrifices the men and women of the military, Canadian and American, have made for MY freedom.  Not only then but today as well.  Thank you to the group, young and older, in Pancho's for your service then and now.  Thank you, Joe F, for your service.  In a perfect world we would sit down at the dinner table to negotiate our differences, until that happens a strong deterrent is necessary. Hug your favorite veteran, hug your favorite diabetic and hug your favorite cancer survivor, remember with fondness and gratitude those that have passed on.  Today we walked through Topeka, Kansas.  Started in the north and headed south.  20.2 miles when the day was over (32.5806 km's) with 43,064 steps.  Findings for the day: 1 range ball, 1 car wash token, 3 pennies and 1 quarter.  Wildlife sightings: several phat squirrels and 2 white-tailed deer.  We ended just shy of Carbondale on route 75 south.  Tomorrow we make an east turn.  Yesterday after laundry and breakfast we went to the Combat Air Museum to look at some vintage military aircraft.  Thank you to Bill and Gene for the conversation and the tee shirt, thank you Paul Schmitz for the tour and for the contribution.  Thank you, Curtis and family for stopping today and making a contribution.  Thank you for YOUR service as well. Camp UTADA will certainly find a good use for the funds.  It was a wee bit chilly today and at one point there was even a slight bit of rain...cheers!!!

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Walking Day #107, Wednesday, December 5, 2012...military appreciation day...into Topeka, Kansas

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on Thursday, 06 December 2012
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Today I walked to honor my grandfather, my great-grandfather and my uncle.  We started just east of St. Mary's on route 24 east bound.  The road follows a Union Pacific track and today there was all kinds of maintenance going on.  The equipment certainly is different from when I worked on a branch line of Canadian Pacific in 1972.  Since I love railroads I was compelled to stop and chat with just about every crew I came across.  It seems that Union Pacific hires a lot of veterans.  Thank you for your service to the following: Hawkins-Army, Jason-Air Force, Justin-Army (his Dad was in Viet Nam),Bill Meyers-Army, Fred Pino-Marines and Kelly Remer-Army MP (I trust your wife gave the OK on the smoker!!!).  Around 3:00 PM we passed KNST-TV the NBC affiliate in Topeka.  Katy the reporter interviewed me and took some footage.  Perhaps The Walk will once again hit the air waves!  Once we got into Topeka route 24 turns into a freeway so the last couple of night were done not only in the dark but with traffic whizzing by.  When the day was over we had logged 21.8 miles, 45,730 steps.  The findings for the day: 2 thin dimes, 3 pennies of which one looks like it got pounded VERY flat, 1 #13 socket, 1 large lynch pin and 1 wire stripper plus crimper tool.  I saw several red-tailed hawks.

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Walking Day #106, Tuesday, December 4, 2012, Louisville, Wamego, Belvue and St Mary's...more coffee

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on Wednesday, 05 December 2012
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Tuesday was a wee bit colder at the start of the day, in fact I wondered for about an hour if I was a bit premature in not wearing the long-johns today, turns out that after an hour I was in short sleeves, another very nice sunny I walked for a couple of former co-workers, Nan and Brent's son, one a cancer survivor and the other living with diabetes, VERY best wishes to both of you!!!...the farmers and ranchers hate the weather as there is no rain, your Walker, however quite likes it!!!...once I have left the area let it rain and snow!!! Wamego we stopped at the battery store to make sure the Jeep was working well and the new battery was doing as it was intended, turns out it was...met several nice people at the CarQuest shop who pronounced the Jeep in good heath...thank you to Court and Tim former service people who offered to buy a new battery if necessary, thank you, guys for your service and thank you for your generosity...from there we went back to the Paramour Coffee shop where Jim Hovind was just closing for the day, he gave us a couple of pastries and re-filled my cup, after a few pictures and some chats with the locals we headed out passing through Belvue (efficient spelling) and on into St Marys...thank you Julie for the contribution, I know you wanted to buy us dinner BUT the diabetic camp can use the funds more that either Jim or I can use another meal!!!...quotes of the day from barista, JIm Hovind, "there is more that binds us in this country than separates us." and his response to my adage, "computers and tequila, tools of the devil", "used right they BOTH work for me!"...with that I shall go to bed...cheers!!!

the numbers for the day:  20.2 miles...42,303 steps...findings for the day: 1 pocket knife with Purina logo, 1 small hook pin (no hook), 1 small cigar with a blue "It's A Boy" on it (still in cellophane and humidor bag), 1 fishing lure (in package), 2 dimes and 2 wildlife sighted

finished up at mile post 345 east bound route 24 just east of St.Mary's

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Walking Day #105...Monday, December 3,2012...excellent coffee, the purple mailbox, mile post 179

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on Tuesday, 04 December 2012
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The Walk today was for Nancy Stewart, a former co-worker's sister who is seriously wishes for a speedy recovery...we managed 22.5 miles (33.0645 km's) with 42,569 steps...the weather was wonderful, felt like a spring or summer day, with a gentle but warm head-wind...the day started out GREAT when we stopped for coffee at a little shop, Paramour Coffee in Wamego, Kansas, the coffee was GREAT!!!, certainly the best coffee I have had in years (sorry Starbucks and Tulleys!!!) with the proprietor, Jim Hovind, being just about as nice as his coffee is GREAT!!!...considering some of the flat, barren terrain I have been on the last few months, route 99 south is very scenic, rolling hills, small creeks, small groves of trees, well kept farms and ranches and tidy quaint towns...I must say though a shoulder would be nice, white line straight down into the ditch, pity the poor person who gets a flat tire on this road, no place to park!!!, 982,000 wonderful things, one thing to bitch the small town of Westmoreland, I happened upon a couple of guys working at a garage in the main drag, since I do like to chat with the "locals" I approached them and let them know what I was up too, they suggested that I go to the "Recorder" and chat with Randy and Rosie that they like to write about people that come through town, so we did just that...Randy Handley and Rosie Hamilton turned out to be as much a treat as Jim's coffee!!!...several photos later and a very pleasant conversation I left to go find my driver Jim...along the way I passed the grade school with one of the parents acting as playground monitor and had a pleasant conversation and geography lesson with the Dad and the kids, on the way out of town I chatted with Gene who was cleaning windows, best wishes to you and your family...this country is Oregon and California Trail country rich in that part of this country's the end of the day we stopped at mile post 179 next to a purple mailbox...I am sure there will be some random pictures to follow...cheers!!!

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Walking Day #104...Saturday, December 1, your dream(s)!!!...thank you for your service

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on Sunday, 02 December 2012
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Saturday began rather foggy.  Our neighbor, Bob from Wisconsin, came over to chat about frozen water pipes. (no mine did not freeze) As we chatted we found out the he had spent some time in Viet Nam and has survived cancer.  He had indicated that it had been his dream to have a "camper" and to take his dogs out bird hunting.  Here he was at age 62 doing just that (with a frozen water hose!!!).  Life is tenuous, whatever your dream go do it, DO NOT DIE WITH YOUR MUSIC STILL IN YOU!!!  Today I walked for Bob rom Wisconsin, for his service to country, to his surviving cancer and for going out and living his dream...when the day was over at 4:52 PM e had walked 24.5 miles with 50,996 findings for the day...wildlife sightings: 1 Swainson's hawk, 2 red tailed hawks and one red squirrel (nowhere near the hawks!!!)...the chat earlier in the day with Bob from Wisconsin brought home the fact that it is so important to live our dreams.  So often we put them off, until we graduate, until I get married, until I get that promotion, until the kids are out of school, until I have another of this or that, some more of this or that.  Before we know it heart disease, cancer, something comes in a gets in the way of following our dreams.  Last I checked we ONLY go around once here so we better make this trip count.  Whatever that looks like for YOU!!!  It is YOUR life, NOT mine.  I am responsible and I will live MY life, you take care of yours.  So if part of YOUR dream is to drive for The Walk of Life DO IT!!!...a special THANK YOU to local rancher, Brian Studer, for explaining some local agricultural practices and for his contribution to Camp UTADA, people like Brian make this world a little bit better, not ONLY because he raises good steaks and brisket BUT because he is just a nice guy!!!...thanks again, Brian...Tomorrow we are off to the Topeka area to set up "camp for the week and to watch some football...GO BRONCOS!!!...cheers!!!

week #26 numbers:

114.6 miles (184.8387 km's)

237,412 steps

$0.30 loose change

The Walk-to-Date numbers:

2,180.9 miles (3,517.5807 km's)

4,183,283 steps

$46.65 in loose change

Numbers for the calendar month of November:

499.2 miles (805.1613 km's)

1,005,971 steps

$3.05 in loose change

Today The Walk ended at mile post 199, route 99 south and Flint Hill Road.

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Walking Day #103...Friday, November 30, 2012...route 148 to route 36 east through Marysville...mile post 302

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on Saturday, 01 December 2012
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Today was for Melba Lucas, Stan's Mom...all the best to we walked 24.3 miles (39.1936 km's) using 51,650 steps...findings for the day: 1 dog leash (sans dog), 1 putty knife, 1 Marysville Football, Never Satisfied key fob, 1 5/16 drill bit, 1 11mm socket, 1 3/8 socket and 1 nickel...wildlife sightings: several Swainson's hawks, as it turns out these are the "unidentified to me" hawks that I have been seeing and several red-tailed hawks...the weather was very nice, so nice I caught a wee bit of sun on my face...November 2012 is now in the history books...tomorrow we make a serious south turn on route 99...cheers!!!

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Walking Day #102...Wednesday, November 28, 2012...route 8 to 112 out of Nebraska and into Kansas!!!

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on Thursday, 29 November 2012
in The Walk Blog

Today we left Nebraska and at approximately 2:10 PM we walked into Kansas...Nebraska route 112 turns into Kansas route the end of the day we stopped just south of Hanover, KS...we logged 22.8 miles (36.7742 km's) with 48,509 steps...findings for the day: 1 odd clamp that works on the same principle as a caulking wildlife I walked for my best friend on the planet, Stan Lucas who served in the Marines and was discharged due to unscheduled landing of a helicopter and his father Edward Lucas who served in the US Army during WWII and Korea, thank you both for your service!!!...the first 12 miles were decent with a gentle breeze slightly to my right side and back, once with turned south the wind picked up, fortunately it was not cold but it was rather stiff once the road turned into Kansas route 148 the shoulder COMPLETELY disappeared!!!...wind AND no shoulder and oncoming rush hour traffic!!!...ahh but the "martyr mantle" saved me once again!!!...a couple of PowerBall tickets AND a half rack of ribs later my feet are in ice water, a cold beer in my hand and very ready for a day off tomorrow to sleep in, run errands ad to call my attorney to see how best to claim the $500 million!!!...a special shout out goes to Bryan Breeden (of custom knife making fame!!!) who stopped me on route 8 and slipped me a generous donation, Camp Utada will find it useful, turns out Bryan has an aunt that has diabetes and Bryan served with the marines, thank you for your service and the donation...cheers!!!

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Walking Day #101...Tuesday, November 27, 2012...route 136 just west of Gilead to just past Endicott

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on Thursday, 29 November 2012
in The Walk Blog

Tuesday dawned clear and COLD!!!...fortunately the wind was from the south so I didn't have to walk right into it, HOWEVER I did forget one of my shirts so I was forced to walk faster to make up for one missing shirt!!! The Walk was dedicated to Lori Anne and her family, perhaps what I am doing will be an inspiration to remember, with fondness, those who are no longer physically with us and for those who are to move forward, best wishes to all!!!...when the day was done 22 miles even had been walked (35.4839 km's) with 46,085 steps...findings for the day: 1 rather scuffed up wildlife sighted...along the way we walked through downtown Fairbury, seemed like a nice little Fairbury I had a pleasant conversation with Steven the Marine (thank you for your service!!!), remember I have an opening for a support vehicle driver as of January 2nd, feel free to join me or one of your colleagues who have completed their service, it would be an honor...I also stopped and chatted with Brent the railroad guy and relived some fond memories of my days working on the railroad...I also had the occasion to chat with a local rancher whose daughter has had diabetes since she was 3, now in her forties, he was kind enough to explain some of the local agricultural processes, being an old farmer from way back when it was rather interesting, best wishes, sir, to your daughter and to yourself, thanks for sharing some of your I walked right through the sunset, one nice thing about the prairies, the sunsets that go on and on AND on!!! last rather unpleasant note, when dumping tanks on a motor home make sure there is plenty of light and the hose is SECURELY attached, if not one might find ones self in deep sh#@!!!, nuff said...cheers!!!

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Walking Day #100...Monday, November 26, 2012...this one is for Joni G., Bill's sister

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on Tuesday, 27 November 2012
in The Walk Blog

The Walk today, which started at Bruning and ended just shy of Gilead was dedicated to Joni G, Bill's sister who is battling wishes to you Joni!!!...We started going south with the last six miles going east, there were just enough snow flakes blowing about to remind me what latitude it is and what time of the year it is!!!...the last five miles the sun was shining and the wind had died down a tad...when the day was over 21 miles (33.8710 km's) had been covered using 43,172 steps...findings for the day: 1 small Craftsman flat-head screw driver...wildlife sightings: several hawks that remain unidentified by me and an odd noisy blue bird, again, unidentified by me, guess it is time to get out the Nebraska bird book...I did put $2 with of "skin" into the PowerBall drawing for Wednesday, HEY someone is going to win, it may as feel be me, at least I will know how to best apply the funds AFTER the party!!!...time to ice down various body parts and prepare for another 20+ miles Tuesday...cheers!!!

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Walking Day #99...Saturday, November 24, 2012...windy, Windy, WINDY!!!

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on Sunday, 25 November 2012
in The Walk Blog

We got started this morning heading east with a rather stiff south wind, cold, Cold, COLDDDDDDDD!!!...once I figured out just how to walk in that it wasn't too bad, but then I get back to what I am doing out here...we finished the day with 22.6 miles (36.4516 km's) using 46,865 steps...found nothing other than some narcissistic ropes with which to tighten up the martyr mantle!!!...wildlife sighted: I saw several hawks unidentified to me, gorgeous I walked for my driver, Jim Doran's family, he too has several friends or loved ones in all three of the groups I wish to honor and support, thank you, Jim!!!

numbers for the week:

108.9 miles (175.6452 km's)

225,488 steps

$1.19 loose change

numbers for Walk-To-Date:

2,066.3 miles (3,332.7419 km's)

3,945,871 steps

$46.36 in loose change

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Waking Day #98...Friday, November 23, 2012...cold Cold COLD!!!

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on Saturday, 24 November 2012
in The Walk Blog

Today's walk was dedicated to David Cole and his son Davey Cole, David served in the Air Force during Viet Nam and Davey is currently serving in the Marines...Friday morning, sun shining and COLD!!!...18 degrees when we left, fortunately the wind was behind was so cold both water bottles froze up!!!...cold weather makes me walk we got 24.5 miles (39.5161 km's) under 51,051 steps...findings for the day: 1 small 3/16" wrench, 1 nylon tie down strap, 1 string of Bud Light Halloween beads and 1 nickel...wildlife sightings: 1 flying hawk (species unidentified by me) and 1 hawk in the ditch (species unidentified by me), I am not sure if he was guarding a kill or if he had some health issues, he did seem to be able to fly...the terrain is now very flat, in fact it reminds me of southern Manitoba around Winnipeg, which makes sense as we are directly south of Winnipeg...Sunday we will move the motor home to somewhere in Kansas and The Walk should be into Kansas sometime next week...a special thank you to Bill Parkins who dropped off a donation, it will be well used by Camp Utada, thanks again!!!...cheers!

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