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This blog will follow Art's experiences as he walks across America on The Walk of Life. You can share your support for him or talk about your dedications to your loved ones that you have lost or are fighting some illness. Please leave comments and words of encouragement!

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Walking Day #175...Sunday, March 10, 2013...time change, heat and wind

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on Monday, 11 March 2013
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18.5 miles  (29.8387 km's) with 37,293 steps and $0.11 in change (all pennies)...findings for the day: 1 #8 socket, 1 4" vise grips and 11 pennies...route 60 east until Bartow, Florida then made a south turn on route 17

Today was an abbreviated day.  I do believe the heat, the miles and the time are taking its toll.  At this point I have a Sunday, April 14, 2013 at 2:00 PM scheduled for the completion.  That does give me a few days in the "bank" for emergencies or for days like today when it was rather difficult to get outta bed.  A head wind and heat (80 degrees) made today a wee bit tougher than normal.  The Walk today was dedicated to a cancer survivor, Pat Riviera and to Jack and Janice a married couple of 50 years.  Jack is a Viet Nam vet and is living with diabetes and Janice will know in a few days if she is cancer free.  Thank you for your service, Jack and very best wishes to Janice and Pat.  Our campground has electricity and water but no sewer so I will be off to take a shower in the shower house.  Best to ask ALL the questions prior to tendering payment!!!  Valerie (the driver) had occasion to entertain three young men from the neighborhood for a while.  Best wishes, gentlemen!!!  Looking forward to seeing family and friends soon.  Best wishes to all...cheers!!!

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Walking Day #174...Saturday, March 9, 2013...getting close...April 14th at 2:00 PM Eastern time

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on Sunday, 10 March 2013
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21.3 miles (34.3548 km's)...42,685 steps...$0.16 in coins...from across the street from Jump Florida on route 39 to about 10 miles set of Bartow on route 60...week 40: 106.7 miles (172.0968 km's)...212,953 steps and $2.68 in loose change...Walk-to-Date: 3,684.3 miles (5,942.4194 km's) 7,199,476 steps and $80.33 in funds picked up along the road...390 miles left to Key West (20 walking days)

Today I walked to honor Mike Wells and the VFW crew and Bill Phillips, Viet Nam vets...thank you for your service one and all.  Weather report, very high 70's, slight head wind mostly sunny skies.  Tomorrow, more of the same only warmer.  The Walker is tired. See ya'll down the road...CHEERS!!!

Findings for the day: 1 5/8" wrench, 1 #12 socket, 1 odd heart-shaped concho with skull & crossbones and rose, 1 pair of GasCan sunglasses, 1 dime and 6 pennies

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WalkingDay #173...Friday, March 8, 2013...milestones and veterans

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on Saturday, 09 March 2013
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21.7 miles (35 km's)...43,487 steps...$0.94 in loose change...findings for the day: 1 Lady Precept golf ball, 1 7/32" socket, 1 small scuffed deep socket (7/32"?), 1 pair of channel locks, 3 beat up quarters, 1 beat up nickel and 14 over 3,600 miles, over 7 million steps and over $80

Weather report: same old, same old only five degrees warmer, Saturday should be more of the same only a few degrees warmer.  No shoulders today, almost the entire day walking in the grass.  In most cases it is almost as bad as walking in dry sand.  Just reporting the facts.  Early in the day I crossed the road to visit the guys at "Men From Mars Automotive", my kind of place.  Richard, DJ and Frank were working the body shop.  When I finally climbed down off my soap box they were all ready to head to Washington and impeach ALL members of congress!!!  Nice "regular folks" taking care of business, doing an honest days work for an honest days pay. Just another example of what makes this country great.  Just as I was getting ready to leave Richard handed me some cash to go towards Camp UTADA.  Thank you, sir, for your generosity.  Best wishes to all three of you with the business.  Thank you to Aurora at the supermarket for assisting me in selecting a birthday card for my son Joy.  A little bit farther down the road, Dede, from Pasco Recycling was kind enough to let me get some water.  We had a rather pleasant conversation.  I trust that you and your husband can come up with an appropriate agenda such that BOTH of you can check a few things off your "bucket list".  I recommend that you do it sooner than later.  Best wishes to you.  Valerie, my driver, was in seventh heaven today as we passed strip mall after strip mall and she looked at each store in all of them al least twice.  Another stop at Ron's Used Cars netted me one American flag to put in the window of the Jeep.  Thank you, Lori, for making that happen AND for your good wishes.  Still further down the road I dropped in on a VFW (Zepherhills) where Mike Wells, a Viet Nam vet, gave me a couple of bottles of water and at the end of the day made me a deal on another flag.  Thank you for your service, SIR, and thank you for your hospitality.  Susan Webster, a cancer survivor, had some kind words and was nice enough to share her story.  I ducked into a KFC for some of the Colonel's Crispy Strips and bumped into a woman who had served in the Army as had her mother, her father a Marine.  Even though the going was tough in the grass the people I met along the road more than made up for it.  The final gravy was when a man came up to us at dinner and offered his words of encouragement, I guess he had seen us on the road and pulled up the website.  Thank you one and all for your stories and your best wishes, thank you, Valerie for driving, thank you Demi for doing an outstanding job waiting our table at dinner.  See ya'll down the road...CHEERS!!!



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Walking Day #172...Thursday, March 7, 2013...more .22 shells, lost golf balls and strawberries

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on Friday, 08 March 2013
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20.9 miles (33.7097 km's)...41,009 steps...$0.49 in loose change (1 quarter, 2 dimes and 4 pennies)...1 bracelet with "LIGHTNING" on the beads and 1 DeWalt 5/16" bit for a power drill

Perfect walking weather.  Blue, clear skies.  Gentle tail-wind.  Wide shoulders with gently sloping ditch bank.  Thin traffic (at least until 2:00 PM).  A wee bit chilly as I started the day in Bushnell.  Valerie my driver decided to go back and spend some time in Floral City.  I  moved up, she moved back to check out some old homes and a few little shops.  Straight road with a few homes along the way.  A little after midday I was passing the Whispering Oakes Golf and Country Club and gave a couple a hand looking for an errant shot.  Dan and Donna Hanna (sp?) from Michigan were out in the sun swinging the sticks when Donna's ball decided to hide.  It never did appear.  Dan had spent time in the Army during Viet Nam, thank you for your service, sir!  As I was leaving  Bushnell I stopped to ask for directions and Christine was kind enough to tell me she did not know what I was looking for but she was kind enough to make a contribution which will go to Camp UTADA, she also wishes to remain anonymous, so THAT is all the information you will get!  It was nice to see two golf courses today.  I was beginning to think the game no longer existed!  Now that I am focused on getting to Key West by Sunday the 14th of April I will put my golf game (or lack thereof) on ice until I am done.  When "The Walk" is over there will be a rather long road trip in my future to reconnect to my children and grand children as well as other family and friends.  During The Walk today I picked up four live .22 rounds.  Just about an hour before the day was over I flagged down a Pasco Sheriff's deputy, J. Stimac to dispose of the shells.  Officer Stimac was a real breath of fresh air (Jake, take notice) when it comes to law enforcement.  Nice guy, down to earth and a man who likes to challenge himself through cycling and personal fitness.  So far this year he has managed to get himself to a point where he can do 70 consecutive push-ups.  I wanna see 71 or better yet 72!!!  Best of luck to you.  The area that we are in (Plant City(ish)) is the strawberry capital of the world (by their own admission!!!).  Bought a loaf of bread AND two quarts of strawberries for $5, YUM!!!  They work very well for breakfast each morning.  Well time to hit the shower for another 20+ tomorrow.  Jonny, looking forward to seeing you in April, all the rest of you guys I look forward to April and May when I get to see all six of you at once.  Can't wait!!!   Thank you to Valerie for driving, couldn't do it without you.  See ya'll down the road, CHEERS!!!

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Walking Day #171...Wednesday, March 6, 2013...Inverness to Bushnell...Lickity Splits curiosity!!!

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on Thursday, 07 March 2013
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21.6 miles (34.8387 km's)...43,287 steps...$0.52 (1 quarter, 2 dimes and 7 pennies)...went from Inverness to Bushnell, ended on route 48 just east of I-75 across the street from Lickity Splits...The Walk today was dedicated to Virginia Cunningham currently battling cancer and Beth Ohaus who recently lost her fight against cancer.  Best wishes to you Virginia and Beth, may you rest in peace.  These people came to me as a result of the New York Times article about people walking across America in which The Walk of Life was mentioned.

Weather was perfect for walking, sunshine, clear skies, a wee bit brisk and a very nice tail-wind.  We started on route 41 next to the Whispering Pines Park in Inverness.  Just as I was about to start walking a gentleman in the park called me over.  Eddie Bevil was in the Army during Viet Nam and spent a career in law enforcement.  He also spent some time in the Middle East as a civilian employee.  Glad your health has improved.  Eddie is one of the many reasons I am out on this Walk.  To honor veterans and also to meet "regular folks".  Thank you, Eddie, for your service and thank you for sharing your story.  My very best wishes to you.  Shortly thereafter I walked into the Citrus County Hospice thrift store.  I applaud hospice workers wherever they are found.  We never know what we are capable of until we are called.  My hat goes off to ALL hospice workers.  A little further down the road I stopped at the Wassabi Smoke Shop and had a pleasant conversation with "Kurt".  His name made me chuckle as I have been referred to from time to time as a rather "curt" individual.  On an on down the road with a stop with some bikers, a stop with a couple of people putting gas in their cars.  Along the way I found about a dozen live .22 rounds which I put in my sticky sandwich bag and handed it over to a sheriff's deputy for appropriate disposal.  Just as we ended the day and were about to take off a couple of young (teenaged) girls came over to the car and asked what we were doing.  I never met a chance to talk about me that I didn't like!  After my short "elevator" speech they indicated that they worked across the street at Lickity Splits, an ice cream shop and eatery, and that the proprietor of the establishment wanted to buy us some ice cream. Who am I to turn down the giver of a gift!?!?  Thank you, Ron Kurtz for your kindness as we ate your ice cream and pestered your customers with cards and a quick story as to what we were doing.  Thank you Vicky and Darrell Vann for your conversation, sharing of Darrell's dream to do some serious biking (make it happen, follow your dream!!!) and for your contribution.  Dr. Dave Okubo will find a good use for it.  I got to shake hands with a retired Navy man and thank him for his service.  Before leaving the two girls, Shelayne Henderson and Reanna Chisephall handed me a sizable bill indicating tat it was "from all of us".  Thank you for your generosity and your kindness.  Camp UTADA will put the funds to good use, thank you so very much for your generosity.

Thanks to all those that I encountered today. Tomorrow e finish up with route 48 and move on down to route 301...see ya'll down the road...CHEERS!!!

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Walking Day #170...Sunday, March 3, 2013

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on Monday, 04 March 2013
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The Walk today was dedicated to "Nancy", of the Shell station in Inglis, a cancer survivor and her daughter "Samantha" who is currently serving in the Navy.  Thank you, Nancy, for sharing your story.  Very best wishes to you and your daughter.

The weather report today indicated sunny but cool.  In reality is was cloudy and cold.  Out came the jacket AND the gloves for the better part of the day.  I was so impressed with our experience at Penn Station Deli & Grill the night before that I decided to stop for a cup of coffee and a sandwich for the road.  I got to meet Carlos Lugo, the other half of ownership and one of his employees, Linda.  As it turns out Linda is a six year survivor of cancer.  Her mother was not so blessed with her diabetes.  Thank you, Linda, for sharing your story.  I also would like to thank the Navy man who came in from breakfast.  Twenty-something years on submarines, thank you for your service, sir.  At Dunnellon we moved from route 40 to route 41.  As we got closer to Inverness the traffic pickup up considerably.  In fact after noon it was so bad that I pretty much was walking on the ditch bank with very little walking done on the road.  As is the case with most days walking in an urban or semi-rural setting opportunities to stop and chat were plentiful.  Just as I was leaving Hernando I stopped at a convenience store to "inspect the plumbing".  Tom the person in charge (had diabetes) and I started a conversation.  As we were chatting, "Bob" the Marine during Viet Nam came in.  I thanked him for his services and he promptly dig into his wallet, Tom followed suit.  Thank you gentlemen for sharing your stories as well as your resources.  Camp UTADA will put your contributions to good use.

When the day was over 21.2 miles (34.1935 km's) had been covered using 42,485 steps and picking p $0.57 consisting of 1 quarter, 2 dimes , 2 nickels and 2 pennies.  I also found a spark plug socket and a small, stubby, flat-head screwdriver.

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Walking Day #169...Saturday, March 2, 2013

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on Sunday, 03 March 2013
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The Walker is VERY tired...thank you sooooo very much to Missy King of "Kountry Girl Salon" and Cristina Lugo of Penn Station Deli & Grill, I bless you for your kindness.  Christina Lugo, one of the co-owners, of Penn Station Deli & Grille was kind enough to "comp" our VERY delightful meal that evening.  One of the outstanding experiences of seeing North America from "ground-level" are the people that I meet.  We are all just "regular folks".  No "red" or "blue" just nice local people. Over the years I have done my share of "giving" and on this trip the "bread" that I have "cast upon the waters" has come back to me, ten-fold.  What goes around comes around.  All seven billion of us doing small, or large, kindnesses to each other, perhaps we really can beat those swords into plough-shares.

The numbers for the day: 24.9 miles (40.1613 km's), 50,194 steps with nothing found.

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Walking Day #168...Friday, March 1, 2013...through Chiefland to Otter Creek...525(ish) miles left

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on Saturday, 02 March 2013
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Wonderful day for a little stroll! and stroll I did!!!  By 2:00 PM I had all of 11 miles in!!!  This is because I stopped to talk along the way, HEY, this IS about seeing the country from ground level and meeting people. The first person that I stopped and chatted with was "Tammy" at a home health service.  She indicated that she had the easy job as she was the office person.  I applaud the people that go into people's homes to address their daily functions and then the hospice workers who assist people in their transition from this current realm of consciousness.  Those people who assist in that journey are best described as "angels".  I bless you for your dedication.  My next stop was when I saw a truck with a "Marine" sticker parked at C & G Chiefland Home Center.  Turns out "Glen" is a Marine who served during Viet Nam and his associate "Jamie" served in the Army as did his father and as is son is now.  Thank you, gentlemen, for your service which allows people like me to wander the streets of America in freedom.  Next stop was a pickup truck parked right at the "Welcome to Chiefland" sign.  The truck was guarded by two elder statesmen, "Bobby the Tater Man" and his sidekick Jimmy Smith.  Jimmy served in the Army, Bobby was unable to due to the fact that he had a bout with polio which "negatively" impacted his legs.  Try telling him that!!!  Both men at 70, even though retired, still sell produce from the truck.  They are still making a meaningful contribution.  By the time I left I had two huge tomatoes in hand and among the three of us we pretty much had ALL the country's problems solved.  Thank you, Jimmy, for your service in the Army and thank you, Bobby, for your attitude and fresh ideas.  When you decide to run for congress I shall vote for you!

When the day was over 23.2 miles (37.4194 km's) had been covered under 46,768 steps and picking up a mere $0.06.  Findings of the day: 1 #19 socket, 1 ball pean hammer (head only), 1 nickel and 1 penny.  Wildlife sightings: 1 owl (variety unidentified to me), 3 live deer and about a dozen vultures cleaning up an all-to-close encounter between a deer and a motor vehicle.  About one mile south of Otter Creek was the point of terminus today.  A nice pasta dinner followed by plotting out the final route rounded out the day.  See ya'll down the road...cheers!!!

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Walking Day #167...Thursday, February 28, 2013...over the Suwannee River and into March

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on Friday, 01 March 2013
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What a gorgeous day!?!?  Blue skies, sunshine and a tail-wind.  For walking the weather can't be much better than it was today.  The Walk today was to honor Shelly Cook and her nephew Gunner Crocker both of whom are living with diabetes.  We very best wishes to you both.  A special shout-out goes to my driver, Valerie, who on a daily basis finds things to entertain herself while I stroll down the road.  This couldn't happen without you, THANKS!!!  Bob Benton stopped today to offer words of encouragement and thanks.  Bob did two tours as a Marine in Viet Nam, thank you, SIR for your service.  Bob was also kind enough to make a contribution to Camp UTADA, again, thank you for your service and thank you for your contribution.  For several miles today I walked on a trail that parallels the main road, route 98.  The trail was constructed on an old railroad right-of-way.  At one point, Pete, from Michigan came riding his bike by.  We chatted a bit about this and that.  The main road was very busy so it was nice to get off that road and onto the isolated trail.  This was also the motorized bicycle day as I saw two of them.  One guy was a local and the other looked like he was planning on being on the road for quite sometime.  He had a trailer and all decked out in the appropriate safety gear for being on highway. He zipped on by so I was unable to see just what he was doing and speculated for the rest of the day!!!

When the day was over we had covered 25.3 miles (40.8065 km's) under 51,001 steps and picked up 1 thin dime and 1 flat-head screw-driver. A trip to Walmat for additional provisions and a tasty salad rounded out a very nice day. See ya down the road...cheers!!!

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Walking Day #166...Wednesday, February 27, 2013...logging trucks on the road

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on Thursday, 28 February 2013
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After a day off and a rain-delay day back-to-back it was rather nice to get back on the road again.

26.3 miles (42.4194 km's)

51,797 steps

$0.21 (2 dimes and 1 penny) Aaron C. from Perry will probably want his driver license back.  How in the world did it end up on the side of the road???

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Walking Day #165...Sunday, February 24, ends with a BANG!!!

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on Monday, 25 February 2013
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Sunday turned out to be just that, a very nice sunny day.  Temperatures in the low 70's.  We started just north of the "blip" in the road Iddo and finished just south of Perry on Alt 27.  The road was very straight and tree-lined and when I say "straight" I mean STRAIGHT!  Got more than a few of those real straight, real boring roads ahead.  To amuse myself I put apple cores on the top of fire-ant hills and watch them go crazy.  Lots of squirrels and birds but no 'gators or other live creatures.  There will be plenty to see going through the Everglades, but again, very flat and very straight.

Perry seemed like an interesting town.  Renee at the Pit Stop gas station was quick with a joke and as it turns out a diabetic as well.  Best wishes with that.  Stopped to shake the hand of a Robert Glanton who served in the army during Viet Nam, thank you, SIR, for your service.  There seemed to be an inordinate number of old empty and run-down motels in the town.  I always wonder about things like that.  How come there is a new Holiday Inn Express while the ABC Motel went out of business.  Everything has a story, and I like to hear about them.  Perhaps that is how come I like to tell stories so much.

Right as the day was drawing to a close it started to rain a wee bit along with some lightning several miles away.  Right when the lightning got within a mile I decided NOT to tempt the fates and call it a day.  23.9 miles (38.5484 km's), 47,070 steps and $0.21 seemed to be a respectable day.  Good thing I decided to stop as the rain came down and as I right at 12:14 PM, Monday it is still raining!!!  Monday's walk got called due to rain and Tuesday will be a moving day down the road to Chiefland, Florida.  See ya'll down the road...cheers!

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Walking Day #164, Saturday, February 23, 2013...a full day and more rain.

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on Sunday, 24 February 2013
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Today honored LB Baggett and his "Lovie Dovie" of 57 years.  When the day was over we had covered 23.6 miles (38.0645 km's) using 46,479 steps and stooping over to pick up 3 pennies!

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Walking Day #163...Friday, February 22, 2013...streak ends when The Walk is called due to rain

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on Sunday, 24 February 2013
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Friday started out nice and pleasant, however right about high noon it started to sprinkle a wee bit so I climbed into the Jeep to wait out the sprinkles.  Well about 12:08 it went from sprinkle to deluge!!!  After consulting I determined that the game would be called due to rain.  Sure enough it rained HARD for the balance of the day and on into the night.  Great weather if you are a frog or a duck!

The abbreviated day so 7.6 miles (12.2581 km's) with 14,967 steps.  Due to the short day (lack of opportunity) no coins were rescued from the road today.  Than ended a streak of picking up at least one coin going back to December 8, 2012 when I came up empty handed.

Today I was going to walk in honor of L B Baggett and his "Lovie Dovie" of 57 years.  They got today's meager mileage and I shall walk for them tomorrow as well.  Looks like we dodged the bulk of the real nasty weather and just have to put up with a wee bit of rain.  See ya'll down the road...cheers!!!

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Walking Day #162, Thursday, February 21, 2013...through Tallahassee

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on Friday, 22 February 2013
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What a gorgeous day for a walk!  Sadly the beauty of the day was overshadowed by the passing of a wonderful individual, wife and partner to Jeff and mother to two young girls. Today I walked in Carla's memory and in support of Jeff and their girls.   Even though this excursion is  "The Walk of Life", I seem to deal with a great deal of death and dying.  Many things in life I do not understand nor comprehend, death and dying is one of the more significant ones.  Male-female relationships is another.  Got all my bro-mances covered but the male-female thing totaly eludes me.  Walking through an urban area is NOT conducive to a "spiritual" experience.  At least I have yet to discover the secret.  I focus on turns, traffic and finding places for my support vehicle driver to "land" that I quickly loose touch with just what I am doing out here.  I suppose that in and of itself may be another (of many) reason to be out here.  As much of a "city mouse" that I may be, I relish and look forward to the quiet times.  Thanks to the various veterans that I chatted with today.  Charles you and I outta go to Washington with a big shovel and started cleaning that place out.  It sounds like we both have had experience shoveling what they put out!!!  Mr. Bishop (ooppss I forgot your rank!) thank you for your service.

After following route 90 for a while we made a south turn on route 27.  We ended the day on the corner of highway 27 south and Mt. Sinai Road.  The urban tally was 22 miles (35.4839 km's), with 44,349 steps and $0.39 in change.  The findings for the day: 1 1/2" deep socket, 1 quarter and 14 pennies.

A special shout-out to my brother Victor and Michael Gardner.  Just put our "couch-time" on my tab!!!

See ya'll down the road.  Cheers!!!

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Farewell may be gone but you shall NOT be forgotten!!!

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on Thursday, 21 February 2013
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Today Carla Peterson Hennessy passed away after a valiant fight with cancer.  She leaves behind her husband Jeff and two daughters.  I have known Carla and Jeff for just shy of 20 years.  As individuals they are phenomenal, as a couple they where phenomenal on steroids!!!  Jeff my heart aches for you and your children.  I wish you all the best as you come to grips with this painful transition.

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Walking Day #161...Wednesday, February 20, 2013...back on the time zone

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on Thursday, 21 February 2013
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Sunday was my day of rest.  Monday was supposed to be a moving day, but it became an extension of Sunday with Tuesday being the moving day.  When Tuesday was over we had landed in Lamont, Florida at the Stone's Throw RV Park.  A pleasant little park with the soothing sounds of I-10 to send us off to sleep each night.

Wednesday saw a wee bit of chill in the air that lasted about an hour into The Walk.  When we were done this evening we stopped just shy of Midway with 25.7 miles (41.4516 km's) using 51,807 steps and picking up $0.33 2/3.  The coins consisted of 1 dime, 3 nickels and 8 2/3 pennies.  Chinese take-out for dinner, a shower and a quick hit on the computer and now off to dream land.  See ya'll down the road.  Cheers!!!

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Walking Day #160...Saturday, February 16, time zone, GREAT BBQ and interviews

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on Sunday, 17 February 2013
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The Walker is VERY tired and will expound on the day's exploits later...the numbers are as follows...findings for the day: 1 pair of sunglasses (the kind you wear OVER your regular glasses), 1 intact Toyota emblem, 1 dime and 7 pennies.

After crossing the Apalachiola River at Chattahoochee I decided to "bag" another state (since I was in the neighborhood!!!) so I took a little stroll into Georgia, just to say I did. Two tenths of a mile in and wander around the forest long enough to say I was there.  Took a few proof pictures and then back into Florida.

Just as we were getting ready to finish for the day I was stopped by a vehicle with a young lady and an "experienced" gentleman.  Darrell Lockhart was driving his daughter, Sandi, out on an assignment for two newspapers she represents.  The Twin City News and her local high school paper.  They took a few pictures and after a brief interview were on their way.  Darrell as it turns out spent time in the Army during Viet Nam, thank you for your service.  Best wishes to you, Sandi, as you pursue the Pulitzer!

On the way home we stopped for BBQ at Voice of Thunder Ministry and BBQ.  I have tasted BBQ in every state from Nebraska to Florida and this is by FAR the very best BBQ I have eaten in my life! You can find them at: I wish there was a "BESTEVER" button on FaceBook as they would get my vote along with CrownBurgers and Paramour Coffee.



20.9 miles (33.7097 km's)

42,131 steps

$0.17 in change

Week 37:

108.7 miles (175.3226 km's)

208,427 steps

$0.56 lose change


3,375.1 miles (5,443.7097 km's)

6,582,082 steps

$76.32 loose change

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Walking Day #159...Friday, February 15, 2013...Granny, second chances and thanks, Katie!!!

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on Saturday, 16 February 2013
in The Walk Blog

Today I dedicated the walk to my ,maternal grandmother, Dorothy W. Taylor, aka "Granny".  Granny was born February 15, 1910 and passed from this life December 27, 2005.  Although we never actually sat down to have a philosophical discussion about life she had a profound influence on my life.  For a kid from the sticks, used to using an outhouse, throwing a bucket down a well to get drinking water and chopping wood to heat and cook visiting Granny was a real treat.  I would sleep in a bed with matching, laundered and both top and bottom sheets.  I eat in a breakfast nook, boxed cereal (Kellogg's Special K and Corn Flakes), using China bowls, matching silverware with milk that was delivered by a milk-man.  I used an indoor bathroom complete with bathtub AND running water.  And for a real treat there was television (The Friendly Giant) next to a fireplace.  Trips to downtown Winnipeg, either on the bus or Granny's car, to Eaton's and Hudson's Bay with Granny wearing a proper hat and gloves.  Riding the elevators in either store complete with elevator operators dressed in uniforms.  Visits to Assiniboine Park, trips to the zoo and the very best, the conservatory complete with large goldfish and tropical plants.  Later in life when Granny was no longer ambulatory I pushed her in a wheel chair through Bouchart Gardens, Van Dusen Gardens and various parks to watch fireworks.  I was only happy to do so and wished I lived closer to do it more often.  I bless those memories of her and how those experiences assisted in shaping my life.  Bless you, Granny.

When The Walk was finished for the day the copious amounts of water consumed throughout the day built up and your favorite walker gave instructions to the driver, "next exit, PLEASE!!!".  Not being in a mood to cook I asked the clerk where a good spot to eat would be.  She gave us two options, Angels Buffet and Skins and Bubba's.  Not being a fan of buffets I instructed my driver to head for Skins and Bubba's just down the road.  ONLYS select a restaurant with a full parking lot and this one was packed.  After a brief wait we were seated and not five minutes later who should walk in but L. B. Baggett (from yesterday's adventure) and his family.

So this walker, aka "narcissist" got a second chance at a photo op.  L. B., Tuesday I will walk to honor your sweetheart, Dovie and your wonderful life together.  After a delightful meal I was going to pay the tab and the hostess, Katie, says to me "it's taken care of", well knock me over with a feather, if the is one thing that will get the curmudgeon going it is the kindness of strangers.  As it turns out Katie's husband is living with not only diabetes but cancer as well.  I am not really sure how all this stuff works but I know that "what goes around, comes around", "cast your bread upon the waters" and "through my passion for living I create peace, love, harmony and joy, in my life and for all creations".  Katie, thank you and best wishes to your husband and to his WONDERFUL wife!!!  L. B., it was nice to see you again, you and Dovie are along for the ride, best wishes to you as you continue to touch lives.  I trust that the experiences that you have in changing lives will somehow dull the pain of your loss, cheers!

When the day was over we had walked 20.5 miles (33.0645 km's) using 40,374 steps and picking up $0.14.  Findings for the day: 1 #7 socket, 1 dime and 4 pennies.

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Walking Day #158...Thursday, February 14, 2013...Auther's, Baggetts and Marines

Posted by Administrator
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on Saturday, 16 February 2013
in The Walk Blog

St. Valentines day 2013.  The very BEST way I know how to demonstrate love is to go for a walk!...more to come

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Walking Day #157, Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Posted by Administrator
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on Thursday, 14 February 2013
in The Walk Blog

Today we managed an even 22 miles (35.4839 km's) with 40,294 steps and finding $0.13.  Findings of the day: 1 1/2" socket, 1 dime and 3 pennies.  We finished up just west of Bonifay.  It is nice to see that the State of Florida make their prisoners pull their own weight.  The chain gang might cut down on repeat offenders!  See ya'll down the road!!!

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