through rain, snow, sleet and hail!!!...ok MAYBE just a wee bit of rain, lots of wind and somehow the UPGRADES seemed waaaaaaay longer and steeper then the downgrades!!!...17.7 miles (haven't looked up the klic converter yet, eh!?) in just under (30 seconds!!!) 5 3/4 hours...I seem to recall walking my entire life but the last two days is NOTHING like I have experienced before...when my back surgeon said, " no more running, no more biking but you can walk all you like " I figured how hard can it be!?!?!?, some is good MORE is better!!!...the entire experience is taking me AND my feet out of my comfort zone (not a bad thing!!!)...right now working out the shoe/sock thing...I appreciate all your support and a special thanks to the drivers who move over a bit for this walker and the many cyclists out there, a little courtesy goes a long way...and here I thought I was the ONLY one to do that!!!...a little tap on the horn after they have passed the pilot car is kinda cool as well...see ya'll down the road!!!