well today we did 23 miles even...that was is spite of a slow start and then some mid-day errands...so 23 miles over 43,079 steps, found one bungee cord and stopped about five miles east of Lewistown...people still stop and enquire about what I am doing, today a woman from the local paper stopped us on the road for a quick interview...lots of military folks as well as this is missile country, odd to be walking for peace, love, harmony and joy through all the missile silos, but then life is rather odd when I think about it...tomorrow we should get all the way to Grass Range and perhaps beyond...I should be getting a shipment of shoes tomorrow, my original three pair are just about at their useable limits, now just to get the socks I really like as well, HEY if Arthur is gonna walk another 3000 miles Arthur is going to do it in comfort!!!...Now where are those "Icebreaker" socks!?!?!?...cheers