Ross wherever you are may you be at 22.4 miles with using 44,151 steps in weather of approximately 100 degrees (ouch!!!)...booty for the day: Robin Hambley's medical card, Simon Nickol's gas card, set of keys, set of Ford keys, 1 Stearns personal floatation device and Tom's dopp kit with his kids Legoland driver licenses and his ticket stubs from Las Vegas Speedway...also found 2 quarters, 1 nickel and 7 pennies...ended the day at the bustling community of Dunkirk, Montana...Wednesday was a day off to let the new blisters ease a bit and run errands, buy a ladder to clean bugs off the motor home, the Verizon store to get the cell phone fixed, Sean you are a STUD!!!, one of the few people I have experienced in the cell phone business that was honest and knowledgeable, thank you SIR for solving my problem and getting me connected to the outside world, ya done good!!!