28.3 miles (45.6452 km's) with 53,063 steps...gotta love a good stiff tail wind and overcast cool skies...booty for the day: 1 pair of Craftsman pliers (workable)...for the week 86.6 miles using 158,354 steps...a special shout out to the rancher and his two children who stopped early in the day to drop off a few dollars for the cause, nice guy, I trust his children were watching closely...a special thanks to Jerry Swenson for his good wishes AND generous contribution...a couple of pleasant conversations with a couple of public servants from the border patrol and a pair of Hutterite farmers...nice conversation with the family from Jacksonville, Florida...so for trek-to-date we have: 880.5 miles with 1,653,587 steps...tomorrow will be a trip back to Raymond to visit sister Roxy and her family and then back o Shelby to continue the walk from a point eleven miles out off Cut Bank...the day should take us to Ethridge...hopefully we will pass the 1,000 mile make before the Ireland break on the 20th...we shall see...cheers!!!