15.6 miles (25.1613 km's)...30,723 steps...$0.45 in loose change...findings of the day: 1 Flying Lady golf ball (pink), 1 quarter, 1 dime, 1 nickel and 5 pennies

Hot and humid, welcome to South Florida!  Lest my driver roast in the car while I wandered down route 41 south (Tamiami Trail) she spent the better part of the day shopping and I headed south.  There were plenty of gas stations and stores along the way so I was not without water or nourishment.  In fact it appears that route 41 for the foreseeable future will be populated on both sides of the road with businesses and other commercial/residential developments.  I walked past a sign that said "Miami 125", that is just six walking days! Getting close!...see ya'll down the road!!!