21.3 miles (34.3548 km's)...42,685 steps...$0.16 in coins...from across the street from Jump Florida on route 39 to about 10 miles set of Bartow on route 60...week 40: 106.7 miles (172.0968 km's)...212,953 steps and $2.68 in loose change...Walk-to-Date: 3,684.3 miles (5,942.4194 km's) 7,199,476 steps and $80.33 in funds picked up along the road...390 miles left to Key West (20 walking days)

Today I walked to honor Mike Wells and the VFW crew and Bill Phillips, Viet Nam vets...thank you for your service one and all.  Weather report, very high 70's, slight head wind mostly sunny skies.  Tomorrow, more of the same only warmer.  The Walker is tired. See ya'll down the road...CHEERS!!!

Findings for the day: 1 5/8" wrench, 1 #12 socket, 1 odd heart-shaped concho with skull & crossbones and rose, 1 pair of GasCan sunglasses, 1 dime and 6 pennies