21.7 miles (35 km's)...43,487 steps...$0.94 in loose change...findings for the day: 1 Lady Precept golf ball, 1 7/32" socket, 1 small scuffed deep socket (7/32"?), 1 pair of channel locks, 3 beat up quarters, 1 beat up nickel and 14 pennies...now over 3,600 miles, over 7 million steps and over $80

Weather report: same old, same old only five degrees warmer, Saturday should be more of the same only a few degrees warmer.  No shoulders today, almost the entire day walking in the grass.  In most cases it is almost as bad as walking in dry sand.  Just reporting the facts.  Early in the day I crossed the road to visit the guys at "Men From Mars Automotive", my kind of place.  Richard, DJ and Frank were working the body shop.  When I finally climbed down off my soap box they were all ready to head to Washington and impeach ALL members of congress!!!  Nice "regular folks" taking care of business, doing an honest days work for an honest days pay. Just another example of what makes this country great.  Just as I was getting ready to leave Richard handed me some cash to go towards Camp UTADA.  Thank you, sir, for your generosity.  Best wishes to all three of you with the business.  Thank you to Aurora at the supermarket for assisting me in selecting a birthday card for my son Joy.  A little bit farther down the road, Dede, from Pasco Recycling was kind enough to let me get some water.  We had a rather pleasant conversation.  I trust that you and your husband can come up with an appropriate agenda such that BOTH of you can check a few things off your "bucket list".  I recommend that you do it sooner than later.  Best wishes to you.  Valerie, my driver, was in seventh heaven today as we passed strip mall after strip mall and she looked at each store in all of them al least twice.  Another stop at Ron's Used Cars netted me one American flag to put in the window of the Jeep.  Thank you, Lori, for making that happen AND for your good wishes.  Still further down the road I dropped in on a VFW (Zepherhills) where Mike Wells, a Viet Nam vet, gave me a couple of bottles of water and at the end of the day made me a deal on another flag.  Thank you for your service, SIR, and thank you for your hospitality.  Susan Webster, a cancer survivor, had some kind words and was nice enough to share her story.  I ducked into a KFC for some of the Colonel's Crispy Strips and bumped into a woman who had served in the Army as had her mother, her father a Marine.  Even though the going was tough in the grass the people I met along the road more than made up for it.  The final gravy was when a man came up to us at dinner and offered his words of encouragement, I guess he had seen us on the road and pulled up the website.  Thank you one and all for your stories and your best wishes, thank you, Valerie for driving, thank you Demi for doing an outstanding job waiting our table at dinner.  See ya'll down the road...CHEERS!!!