Friday February 14 , 2025
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Blog The Walk

This blog will follow Art's experiences as he walks across America on The Walk of Life. You can share your support for him or talk about your dedications to your loved ones that you have lost or are fighting some illness. Please leave comments and words of encouragement!

England and the Emerald Isle

Posted by Administrator
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on Monday, 27 August 2012 in The Walk Blog

well here we are in Ireland...stopped in London for a couple of days and then Liverpool for a long day...a short flight and here we are in Cork...soooooooooo much history here!!!...people very friendly, weather very iffy and today we shall see if the golf game is there!!!...historical sights all over the place, after 2000 years plus there certainly is something man-made to far my favorite has been the Cavern where the Beatles got their start,WOW!!!...we happened to hit Liverpool as a huge musib festival was in progress as well as a "football" match...I shall have some photos posted as soon as I figure out how to get them to the web-master...cheers!!!

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Victor Werner
Victor Werner
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Victor Werner Sunday, 02 September 2012

Good to hear from you in Ireland. I was able to figure out how to add pictures to each blog.

D Joan Bund
D Joan Bund
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D Joan Bund Sunday, 02 September 2012

But first you have to get the pictures off of Arts smart phone, right?

D Joan Bund
D Joan Bund
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D Joan Bund Monday, 03 September 2012

Victor, can I go thro' the blogs one day at a time and add just one picture to each blog from my 100's of pictures? Just how do I do that?

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Guest Friday, 14 February 2025