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Blog The Walk

This blog will follow Art's experiences as he walks across America on The Walk of Life. You can share your support for him or talk about your dedications to your loved ones that you have lost or are fighting some illness. Please leave comments and words of encouragement!

Walking Day #188, Friday, March 29, 2013...Key Largo, father and son and dinner with friends

Posted by Administrator
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on Saturday, 30 March 2013 in The Walk Blog

26.5 miles (42.7419 km's)...55,723 steps and $1.78 in loose change (4 quarters, 6 dimes 1 nickel and 13 pennies)...we started at mile marker 121 and finished at Snappers Restaurant in Key Largo at approximately mile marker 94.5.

The day started by us missing mile post 121 and having to go down the road and turn around.  There at our starting point was a small white pickup, obviously disabled with a man under the hood.  It turns out the man was a mechanic and was repairing a blown radiator hose.  Valerie went back to town to get some coolant to get them on their way again.  As it turns out he ended up with a blown head gasket so the vehicle was totally disabled and our attempts to show a stranger a kindness were just that.  As it turns out he ended up giving Valerie ten dollars more than the cost of the coolant.  Sir, if you ever read this know that the ten extra dollars will go to Camp UTADA, a camp for diabetic children, sooooo thank YOU for your kindness!  The road has a very nice walking shoulder so I was able to make just about record time.  In Key Largo I walked a bit with a father and son pair of walkers.  Dick and his son Eric come from North Carolina and have gone on several walks together.  This trip is a short one Key Largo to Key West then rent a car back to Ft Lauderdale and fly home.  What a bonding experience!  Thank you, gentlemen, for sharing your time with me, best wishes on this and all your other journeys.  It appears that the Keys attract all sorts, as shortly after I chatted briefly with a cyclist from Michigan who was on a lengthy trip around the country.  This guy really looked like he knew what he was doing.  I was impressed how much gear he had and how easily he moved down the road.  Following a dream or just going out and doing something outrageous, what a way to spend some time!  Create another story (like I don't have enough already!?!?).  Some father and son bonding, an adventure, a walk to honor special people, all of these are ways of self-actualizing.  If you have an idea, go with it, step out of your comfort zone, defy the odds, create a memory and a story that will et richer with time.  Thank you, Mom, Jim, Vic and Valerie for making my outrageous dream a reality.

Just as I was about to call it a day I got a call fro my good friends Laura and Marc, from Miami, who just happened to be in the area.  We arranged a meet at Snappers in Key Largo.  It is a delightful restuarant right on the water with excellent food and cool beverages.  So today I walked right in AND told the folks at the front desk that I had walked nearly 4,000 miles just to eat there! (no lie!).  A few minutes Marc and Laura showed up.  One of the great things about truly good friends is that be it a month, a year or longer since the previous meeting, one can pick up right where one left off.  The ONLY time that matters is the time spent together.  So nice to see you guys again and had I know, Marc, you were going to buy I would have ordered two meals!!!  So tomorrow we get to start just a wee bit north of mile marker 94.  See ya'll in the Keys!  CHEERS!!!


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