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Blog The Walk

This blog will follow Art's experiences as he walks across America on The Walk of Life. You can share your support for him or talk about your dedications to your loved ones that you have lost or are fighting some illness. Please leave comments and words of encouragement!

June 19th a test (just like my first three attempts at College Algebra 101!!!)

Posted by Administrator
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on Thursday, 21 June 2012 in The Walk Blog

Tuesday we went looking for more shoes...I have three pair that I rotate and only two of the three do I really like and guess what!?!?!?...I can't find them ANYWHERE!!!...we even dropped by Ferndale (Bellingham) and could not find any (some would say I am rather picky AND some would be correct!!!)...anyway I did get some Starbucks coffee, Mom got her new sunglasses and I found out that CB radios are just as useless as the walkie-talkies we have (unless we had four foot antennas and I have NO idea how to mount one on me short of drilling a hole in may head!!!) we work with what we thing I am learning on this trek is that communication IS paramount!!!, just like life in general... sometimes in life we can hide that fact that there is no communication (or a negligible amount) on this trip it becomes rather obvious REAL fast!!!...also like life we are working it out as time and situations require...we ALL have things to learn and can ONLY use past experiences to assist us in making a better future by dealing ONLY (did I say ONLY!?!?!?) with what is...soooooooo I mad an attempt to walk Tuesday without the aid of Advil or tape, NOT a good idea!!!...Advil is my friend and ALL kinds of tape is now my best friend!!!...a short day walking (12.7) miles, other than the aforementioned observations nothing of substance to report, except for the pink rubber duckie I found on the road and the nickel, bringing the loose change total to seven cents (Canadian, eh!?) was a moving day, a quick trip to the laundry, some other minor errands AND a stop at the Dead Frog Brewery for some well deserved file for the trip...I suppose if I was a marketing major (oh wait, wasn't THAT the first college degree!!!) I would seek endorsements from Tim Horton's, Starbucks, BandAide, Adidas, New Balance, 3M, Dead Frog Brewery, Mark's Work Warehouse, Hawkins Cheezies, Advil, Advil AND ADVIL!!! e moved from Aldergrove, BC to Othello Tunnels Campground and RV Park in Hope, BC right next to the Coquihalla (COKE - i - hall - ah) River, very cool little place off the beaten path...we plan on spending three or four nights here and then off to Princeton, BC...from here on it is allllllllllll highway number 3 all the way to Alberta...a year ago when I was on this same road (moving just a tad faster!!!) we passed four bears, I do hope bears don't like duct tape!!! Starbucks in Hope so I guess tomorrow's segment will be fueled exclusilvely with Advil, duct tape (3M) and Tim Horton's (look it up!!!)...cheers!!!

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Victor Werner
Victor Werner
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Victor Werner Thursday, 21 June 2012

Love the stories! Sent an email to the Hope newspaper the day before yesterday. I may just give them a call.

D Joan Bund
D Joan Bund
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D Joan Bund Friday, 22 June 2012

Today was a lovely day for walking, oh yes , I am driving, and following and sometimes just sitting and snoozing or reading a book. Did better for pit stops today than others, one a rest area, ome a first nations compound, and of course, a Tim Hortons.
There was lots of construction on the junction of #5and # 3 and before so it was very challenging, but everyone gave homage to the walkers car with flashing lights so I never had any trouble. During part of the construction area where there was a safe place to wait, three other young and sort of hippy type dresses gals got out of a van and sauntered over to me as the Van drove off on the number five turnoff and obviously they wanted to go on #3'. They asked for a ride and I pointed out that they would not get very far with me as my son was walking and also we had lots of electric wires in the back to run the extra lights so ther would be no room with all their backpacks and traveling gear but I did give them Arts calling card and they seemed interested in what he was doing because they were mostly walking too, but not from preference LOL. They wer all from Quebec, exploring Canada. Another nasty was a stoner hurled up on the windshield which needed fixing before it spread, and mega trouble with the connections to make our whirling orange lights working. Today should be an earlier start. Watch to find out if it is. LOL

D Joan Bund
D Joan Bund
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D Joan Bund Tuesday, 24 July 2012

As Art walks ahead, trying to find me a good landing spot where I will not hold up traffic, but make a very visible presence just the same, to warn of the yellow figure up ahead, I have lots of time to think, and enjoy.
I do not mind the noisy traffic, like semis roaring by and groups of 7 or 8 motorcycles varooming by my parking place, but some times there is nothing coming from north or south. It is at that time that I hear mother nature, the birds singing their summer song and squirrels chatting with each other up in the trees to the gentle whirr of the orange lights on top and the click click of the four way flashers. Soon the silence is disrupted again by two semis with pups roaring by from behind and a group of Harley Davidsons heading for Vancouver, and my reverie returns to my reading,knitting or crotchet. Actually I am making scarves for the homeless and cold for this comming winter. Anyone care to guess how many I can get done before winter. So far I have made three and two more on the go, one crotchet and the other, knit. LOL. There is a story behind that too.
Just so everyone knows, and maybe I said it before. If anything happens on this highway ( and it won't because I have another twenty or so years left in me yet) this has been the best present a son could ever give his aging Mom, and if I die early, I will defi Italy die happy, so do not get after Art for taking me on this awesome journey.

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