Friday February 14 , 2025
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Blog The Walk

This blog will follow Art's experiences as he walks across America on The Walk of Life. You can share your support for him or talk about your dedications to your loved ones that you have lost or are fighting some illness. Please leave comments and words of encouragement!

back on the trail, plus eggs

Posted by Administrator
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on Tuesday, 19 June 2012 in The Walk Blog

so far the rain seems to hit on my days "off"...Mom had guests come and visit over the weekend, Saturday rained ALLLLLLLL day, Sunday most of the day, today about 38 drops fell at one point, otherwise cloud ceiling of about 3000 feet, a good day to make 22 miles even in just a wee bit over 8 hours...stopped at a wrecking yard to get a new radio for the Jeep as the old cassette tape (ask your parents what that is!!!) crashed the other day and YES I still use those antiques (just got rid of my 8 track a few months ago!!!)...picked up a couple more flame yellow safety shirts from Mark's Work Warehouse, I love that store!!!...still love it when people honk 'n wave as they go by, I feel a wee bit more connected when that on to the egg story...a 13 year old had set up "free range, farm fresh" egg stand for $3.00 a dozen on the honour (eh!?) system, well apparently there are a lot of starving people in the Chilliwack area as the person running the stand had posted a note that people were taking eggs and not leaving cash, today I had cash but there were no I walked down the road I ruminated on the note and dictated a note that my pilot car driver and left it in the cash box along with a few The Walk of Life cards, the substance of the note was that there is "good" in all things even those that we perceive to be "bad" or "evil" (who are we to judge!?)...I believe that things are what they are and that is the ONLY thing I can deal with, passing NO judgement...doors close, windows open, my one and ONLY job in life is to wake up, put my pants on and greet the day, it is HOW I respond to things that will determine whether they be "good" or "bad" the bottom line is DON'T steal eggs from 13 years olds or you WILL inspire me to pontificate and ramble on about good and bad, right and wrong, blah, Blah, BLAH!!!...anyway tomorrow should take me to Hope, BC (or BEYOND Hope!!!) the start of some serious mountains that ARE extremely scenic and with luck, less rain than here in the Fraser Valley...remember, give cyclists and walkers a wide berth on the road and honk 'n wave at ANYONE carrying a large orange sign on the back of their Jeep!!!

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Guest Friday, 14 February 2025