Blog The Walk
This blog will follow Art's experiences as he walks across America on The Walk of Life. You can share your support for him or talk about your dedications to your loved ones that you have lost or are fighting some illness. Please leave comments and words of encouragement!
medical miracles!!!
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Monday dawned a wonderful day in the Vancouver area with the exception of the nagging blisters NOW on both feet...after a good deal of bitching, moaning, whining and complaining I decided to go back to basics,FLIP FLOPS!!!...armed with a back pack filled with goodies to eat as well shoes, socks and the "kit' I carried around during my hiking days I set off across Lions Gate my estimation the view from the bridge is every bit as good as that FROM the Golden Gate bridge...the bridge itself is significantly shorter but the view is spectacular!!!...a couple of miles down the road I could feel a "hot spot" developing on the left foot so in downtown Vancouver I stopped and took off the flip-flops and broke out the old hiking kit, BandAides and DUCT TAPE!!!...ahhh the miracles of modern medicine...the nice thing about the duct tape is that it also has a reflection capability so the radio waves get blocked so "THEY" can't track me!!!...anyway BandAides and duct tape to the rescue!!!, in spite of getting a rather late start I still managed 17.3 I started out with the same modern medical cure and breezed along until I hit Langley...milage (or "klic-age") was not recorded due to my pilot car driver's aversion to city driving, today I caught the SeaBus from the North Shore, took the SkyTrain out and then a bus from where I stopped yesterday, everything in reverse order at the end of the day...11:13 to 18:33 with about an hour off for lunch...tomorrow will be a moving day...we are pulling up the "jacks" (air-bags actually!) and moving the coach to Aldergrove, just down the road a few klics and MORE than a few steps...I will retrace my steps from today's stroll to determine the actual Wednesday off, Thursday back on the trek and hopefully a MUCH DESERVED round of golf soon and Mr. Porter I will ride!!!
Love that modern medicine. Duct Tape is the greatest invention on the planet. Keep on hiking, Art! Love you!