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Blog The Walk

This blog will follow Art's experiences as he walks across America on The Walk of Life. You can share your support for him or talk about your dedications to your loved ones that you have lost or are fighting some illness. Please leave comments and words of encouragement!

Walking day #76...Thursday, October 18, 2012...the end of an era

Posted by Administrator
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on Friday, 19 October 2012 in The Walk Blog

Today brings a close to an era in the history of The Walk of initial support vehicle has been forced into an early retirement, even though she was scheduled to terminate somewhere around November 4th or 5th Dr. Long at Rapid City Regional Hospital accelerated that date by a couple of weeks...Mom thanks for stepping up and getting The Walk of Life in motion, for four and one half months you have patiently and anxiously awaited that phrase, "ok, move on up to the NEXT one", you have assisted me in realizing a dream of mine, together we have over 1,500 miles with just shy of three million steps, we have been through towns and hamlets where we wondered "who would live in a place like this" or "WOW this place is pretty cool" did a fine job in the Jeep, climbed a jersey barrier, picked up a wee bit of mud, took a rock from a truck, weather countless blown fuses and heard your fair share of "vehement encouragement" as to where and how to park, as we said on more than one occasion, "nobody died"!!! we managed 3 miles over 5,619 steps before we were so rudely interrupted by a few extra beats of a heart...findings for the day: 1 nerf football (small) and no evidence of a heart attack...time to pass the mantle to another, stay tuned for who that lucky person may goes on regardless of my expectations, I can ONLY deal with what is and currently, what is is, Mom has to go home and I have to find a replacement driver or drivers, sooooooooooooo if anyone knows of someone who wants to participate in an adventure as a driver of the support vehicle PLEASE lemme know...Mom, thanks again for your efforts and your patience, you made Cec proud AND probably chuckle on more than one occasion!!!

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D Joan Bund
D Joan Bund
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D Joan Bund Friday, 19 October 2012

Ah, yes. I do feel so guilty about having to quit early. The wind was tearing me apart. I was not drinking enough for fear of having to pee with no safe place. Ridiculous right in the big city. I was having exactly the same symptoms that I had in Dec of 2009 that I had never had for any reason since. Perhaps I was just hsavinf a panic attack because not only was I afraid of wrecking
Arts Jeep and maybe even dying, NO I am definitely not afraid of dying but I was afraid of taking a lot of innocent people down with me if I had an accident in heavy traffic, with results of having a heart attack on the road because I could just stop and that would be my responsibility. Perhaps the tight band around my chest was the early onset of pneumonia which the cat scan discovered rather Han blod clots which they expected and thankfully never found, so it is being nipped in the blood. Regardless of all this, I do feel guilty about having to quit before Art has found a suitable replacement so if anyone out there knows of anyone remotely interested, please speech up.
Thank you Art for all your patience with me. Thank you for the wonderful opportunity you have given me to rebound with one of my wonderful sons. It has been a joy and a price ledge to journey this far with you.
May you keep up the walk, no matter what, until you reach your goal of Key West Florida, and I shall follow you alll the rest of the way via Internet. Thank you again.

D Joan Bund
D Joan Bund
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D Joan Bund Friday, 19 October 2012

One last thing! iPads think they can think better than you so there are at least two words that they thought better than the one I was using. One was rebond instead of rebound which they kept on changing and I did not catch. The other was it was a priveledge to journey not the queer idea iPad had . LOL. Jonie520f

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