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Blog The Walk

This blog will follow Art's experiences as he walks across America on The Walk of Life. You can share your support for him or talk about your dedications to your loved ones that you have lost or are fighting some illness. Please leave comments and words of encouragement!

day 25 (Wednesday) & day 26 (Saturday)

Posted by Administrator
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on Sunday, 15 July 2012 in The Walk Blog

Wednesday 22.2 miles, 41,114 steps

Saturday 14.5 miles, 24,714 steps

Wednesday was an interesting day in that someone forgot to charge the radios!!!(walkie-talkies)...out in the middle of nowhere with no cell service, like a lot of other experiences it brings home the significance and importance of clear communications, CLARITY IS A GOOD THING!!!...we made it to and through Castlegar with little thing I had to chuckle over was the biker from outside of Edmonton, about five bikes passed me with one lagging behind, initially I thought engine trouble, the tier hoped off his bike and looked both ways and proceeded to answer natures screams!!!, by this time I was almost next to him and I yelled over "when ya gotta go ya gotta go!!!", Harry F thought that was a bit funny and after the job was complete we started a conversation, turns out he was originally form Souris and played football against the Brandon Krugers, he got out in '79, while my last year at Neelin was '72, he had worked on the CPR as did I so we had a little bonding moment, he dug into his pocket and handed me a handful of coins 4 toonies, 3 loonies, 10 quarters, 9 dimes, 3 nickels and 5 pennies, he indicated that this would somewhat lighten his load, nice contribution to Habitat for of the things that has impressed me about this trip is the friendliness of the people I bump into along the way, "Gotta Go Harry" is just one of many, genuinely nice people, THANKS HARRY!!!...since Castlegar is the home of my under-paid pilot car driver I decided to give her three days off (with triple pay, of course!!!) so my baby brother Bob gave me a hand today...yesterday the coach was taken to Columbia Truck Centers in Castlegar to see what the issue with the cab A/C was, as it turns out it is one of many things in a long line of blatant dishonesty, that said the guys at Columbia ere EXTREMELY professional and very helpful, Scott going well beyond the extra mile in getting the brake lights back in order at NO CHARGE!!!, I know a few people who would be well served to take lessons from Scott, THANK YOU, SIR!!!...just as I was leaving  bumped into one of the Chambers truck drivers who give me a tune on his horn each time he passes me, Dan McDonald, nice guy...looks like I may be out of Chambers territory as I did not see one of their trucks today...tomorrow is another day off for the driver (with pay, of course!!!) while our walker has a massage and a date with the car-wash and some tar-remover!!!...Monday will be back on the road until the coach gets moved down the road...some parting words of wisdom, since some of the grades get rather steep on the upgrades I came up with a little cadence that seems to flatten them out just a wee bit: "I don't know but I've been told Key West Florida's but a little stroll, left, left, left, right, left" repeat several times until the hill has been conquered!!! (operative term being SEVERAL!!!)...cheers from just west of Salmo, BC

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Roxy Wright
Roxy Wright
Roxy Wright has not set their biography yet
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Roxy Wright Saturday, 28 July 2012

I am thoroughly enjoying reading the blog, Art, and finally got the time to register. It only took me about 6 tries. I, too, officially hate technology.

I love your cadence song. When I have run marathons I would start to sing, "We're outside we like to run. We are going to have some fun. We will run and run all day. We will run and shout "horray". Sound off, sound on, sound off...sound on!!!" it's amazing how many would sing along with me.

I love walking your steps with you. Having run many marathons and beyond, I love what you're doing. Would love to come and walk with you but I suspect the urchins that would accompany my would create havoc with the guys on the highway. BTW why would you not just stay on the main highway coming out of Pincher Creek?

I love you and Mom. "Walk on through the wind; walk on through the rain, tho your dreams be tossed and blown. Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart, and you'll NEVER walk alone."

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